Transitional Spaces - my transitional space - my mind.I want to research and explore Depression. I have chosen this subject because it is personal to me as I have suffered from it from very young age.
I have started by looking through lots of photography books and picking out photographs that stand out to me with what I want to explore...Bianca BrunnerreGeneration - 50 photographers of tomorrow (p52-53) Photo from the series Limbo, 2004
The idea of wading through the water in clothes reminds me of the feeling of walking on a bad day, feeling the weight of everything around you and feeling uncomfortable and struggling to get to places.
Limbo - from the concise Oxford Thesaurus
Unbaptised infants are thought to live in limbo: non-existence, void, oblivion.
In Limbo - in abeyance, unattended to, unfinished; suspended, deferred, postponed, put off, pending, on ice, in cold storage; unresolved, undetermined, up in the air.
- this word limbo inspires me, for me it sums up a lot of the feelings I have. Limbo is a place no one knows but you can create it, it may be different for every person. It may come after death or during life (depression).
Sam Taylor-Wood
Art Photography Now - Susan Bright (p30-31) Photos from the series of self-portraits Suspended, 2004

Taylor-Wood's self-portraits often reflect significant chapters in her like and are markers for change or progression. They form an important autobiographical thread which weaves through her overall practice. With personal and often brutally honest images, she shares with the audience emotional and revealing narratives that touch on issues such as her role as an artist and her feelings towards the art world. - Art Photography Now - Susan Bright'I'm not levitating or falling - I just exist in a kind of dance in the air' - Sam Taylor-WoodTaylor-wood hired a bondage expert to tie her up and suspend her in the air, this idea has stuck in my head since I saw these photos, it links with this previous photo by Bianca Brunner from 'Limbo' I really like this idea of creating a feeling to look at.